It is my opinion that Mike Whitman (Brookings Christian Fellowship – Brookings, OR) purposefully solicited money from the church despite his ulterior motive to never give the money to the bank. Mike’s efforts to solicit funds for “the building fund” in order to save the church was, in my opinion, all a hoax in an effort for him to gather as much money as he could because “…the cloud is moving…” (as Mike writes on his facebook page on December 26, 27, and 28).On December 13, 2012, the notice of trustee’s sale was issued to Mike. Yet he continued to solicit money from the body of believers, never intending on giving any of the money to the bank (aka: extortion). Mike pocketed all of the money and allowed the bank to foreclose on the church property.
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Why did Pastor Michael Whitman deactivate his facebook page? …because he does not want you to know that he lied to his church when he posted “…going to the bank to redeem our property in an hour…” ~ posting dated January 14, 2013.
Mike Whitman purposefully did not pay the bank note on the church property, and hadn’t for many many months, long before he went to Israel with his wife, from August …28 to September 12, 2012.
On August 31, 2012, the notice of default was issued to Mike. It takes several months of reneging on your bank note in order to get into default status, so clearly Mike Whitman knew he was using the people’s tithe to take a trip to Israel instead of using the tithe to pay the bank note on the church property.
On December 9, 2012, Mike Whitman posts on his facebook page “…we don’t have to pay the whole $206,000 to keep this wonderful property that God has blessed us with, but still in need of $16,000 before the 1st of January. Brookings Christian Fellowship will be working on fundraisers and is open to any suggestions. Please keep us in your prayers as this season snuck up on us and has been very hard!!! God bless you all, and thank you 🙂 …” (“…snuck up on us…” ~ was that before or after the trip to Israel).
On December 13, 2012, the notice of trustee’s sale was issued to Mike. Yet he continued to solicit money from the body of believers, never intending on giving any of the money to the bank (aka: extortion). Mike pocketed all of the money and allowed the bank to foreclose on the church property.
On January 7, 2013, the public auction was held (aka: trustee’s sale). Because the church property was not sold at the public auction, the process server/attorney who performed the public auction confirmed that the church property was returned to the ‘beneficiary of the trust deed’ (aka: the bank).
On January 14, 2013, Mike Whitman posts on his facebook page “…going to the bank to redeem our property in an hour…” The bank confirmed that this is a lie, and there is absolutely no record of the church ever being redeemed by anyone, but in fact was returned to the bank when it did not sell at the public auction on January 7th. The bank property is now in liquidation status, and already there is an offer on the table. Mike Whitman is currently in squatting status, and eventually will be legally evicted from the property. In the meantime, according to the church’s website, Mike will be holding church service tomorrow on the property and I’m assuming he will be soliciting for more money/tithe (“…The Sprit filled Life. This Sunday at BCF. Romans 8 personified. Show up 10:30 ish. Stay all day…” ~ Mike posted on 04.02.13 on BCF’s fb page).
It is my opinion that Mike Whitman purposefully solicited money from the church despite his ulterior motive to never give the money to the bank. Mike’s efforts to solicit funds for “the building fund” in order to save the church was, in my opinion, all a hoax in an effort for him to gather as much money as he could because “…the cloud is moving…” (as Mike writes on his facebook page on December 26, 27, and 28). When you purposefully defraud/deceive the church in order to get money, that is called extortion. There’s a huge difference between ‘restitution’ and ‘extortion’.
For those of you who did not believe what Mike Whitman did to me, then consider what he has now done to his own church. And will Jon Courson now bring him under his wing to pastor at Applegate Christian Fellowship? Probably so, Mike’s fb page proves that he was at ACF on March 26th, and we can only assume that he was not there to check out the book store. Who knows, maybe Jon will let Mike pastor at Sunny Valley Christian Fellowship. My only concern now is to prove to the court that, before filing my case at the courthouse, that all of my claims are true. Mike Whitman has no credibility with me, he scammed me, and in my opinion he scammed his own church. All of my claims against Jon Courson, Tammy Courson, and the church leadership, even Mike Whitman, are all true. If you haven’t been following my story, you can read about it at
Send me your e-mail address if you want a pdf copy of Mike’s facebook page (before he deactivated it) ~ which proves all of his lies, his trip to Israel, his numerous attempts to solicit money, and even proof he received money from several sources. Matthew 7:1-29
Who’s next? Who is hurting the widows? Who is hurting the fatherless children in the church? God already knows who you are, and He will bring it to light. Repent, change directions, be the James 1:27 church that God wants you to be. Proverbs 21:2-3 1 Peter 4:7-8