The 8 Kingdoms Pantheon Temple in Rome. Dedicated approximately 126 A.D. Kingdoms – Basileus (Greek: βασιλεύς) is a Greek term and title that has signified various types of monarchs (kingdoms) in history. Pantheon (pan·the·on)1. a group of particularly respected, famous, or important people. “the pantheon of the all-time greats” Apollodorus of DamascusThought to be a…
The problem with Satanism is how Satan treats his servants even the most loyal. Even the greatest Satanic servants i.e. Nimrod – Tower of Babel, Akhenaten – Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar – Babylon, Cyrus the Great – Persia, Alexander the Great – Greece, Julius Caesar – Rome and the future Antichrist all lived and will live short…
York, England 306 A.D.The Site Where Constantine The Great was Proclaimed Emperor of Rome. Proposed future site of ‘Mystery Babylon’ World Government – After the collapse of the current UN Mystery Babylon system.
• Fulfilled by Jesus ChristSpring Feasts (Justification/Salvation): Passover – Holy Week – 1st Coming of Jesus Christ • Fulfilled by the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1)Summer ‘Middle’ Feast (Sanctification): Pentecost – Acts 2:1 • Fulfilled by God the Father (Matthew 24:36)Fall Feasts (Final Redemption): Day of Atonement – 2nd Coming, Final Restoration Note: The Fall Feasts…
— Historically Based Movies —10 Commandments (1956)Ben-Hur (1959)Cleopatra (1963)Peter and Paul (1981)St. John in Exile (1986)Paul The Emissary (1997)The Mummy of Tutankhamun (2016) – BBCThe Promise (2016) – Armenian GenocideMutiny on the Bounty (1962)Waterloo (1970)The Robe (1953)Jesus of Nazareth (1977)Gettysburg (1993)Shackleton (2002)Chariots of Fire (1981)The Right Stuff (1983) — WWI —Gallipoli (1981)All Quiet on the…
Christian – Holy Week (Passover) – Friday March 22, 2024 —> Easter Sunday March 31, 2024 • Jesus Christ – Holy Week 1. Feast of Sabbath – Triumphal Entry of Jesus Christ – Saturday 23 March 24 2. Feast of Lord’s Passover – Last Supper – New Covenant – Wednesday 27 March 24 3. Feast…
Ancient Rome 6th Kingdom – Revised Rome 7th Kingdom – Christ/Messiah Kingdom 8th Kingdom The 6th Biblical Global Gentile Kingdom is the Roman Kingdom specifically the Caesar Dynasty beginning with the Throne of Julius Caesar. The six Roman Caesars: Julius Caesar, Augustus Caesar [Luke 2:1], Tiberius Caesar [Luke 3:1, John 6:1], Caligula Caesar, Claudius Caesar…
Was Ceasar Nero The 666 Beast of Revelation? No! Nero was one of many 6th Kingdom Roman Ceasars – The future Antichrist “Little Horn” becomes Emperor of the current 7th Kingdom (10 Kings) Global Holy Roman remnant Empire. And the (666) beast that was, and is not, even he is the {fake} eighth (kingdom), and…
Summary of Intent regarding Early Church Writings, Creeds and Councils Christianity = Triune God (Trinity 3 in 1, Father – Jesus Christ – Holy Ghost) Apostolic Biblical Belief and Theology. Modalism (2 from 1) = A type of Judaism (God – Holy Spirit) particularly Kabbalistic Judaism. Arianism (1 of 1) = More closely related to…
Ancient Egypt 2nd Global Kingdom – – – Early Rome 6th Global Kingdom Summary of Ancient Egypt – 2nd Global Gentile Kingdom Introduction: The Ancient Egyptians attempted to build a Priestly passage (road) connecting this life with the afterlife in the same way that Ancient Romans built roads connecting Rome to distant cities and ports.…