NWO – World Court Introduction

Update: I have more postings to do regarding the ‘house of cards’ that TULIP Calvinism doctrine is comprised of but considering that the blog is going to go on an extended hiatus for the Summer it seems like a better option to continue the Calvinism examination later in the coming Fall.  NWO – World Court…

John Calvin – Calvinism Examined and Exposed

The Biblical unlimited “Day of Atonement” for all vs. John Calvin’s selective ongoing limited “vows” in measure and scope “limited to the measure of grace bestowed upon us” Atonement Note: the quote “limited to the measure of grace bestowed upon us” was written by John Calvin regarding vows and is used in context with the atonement…

Reblogged from: Fatherless Children in the Church – False Teaching by Jon Courson

Reblogged from: Fatherless Children in the Church Website: Fatherless Children in the Church FALSE TEACHING BY JON COURSON Because Jon Courson is so knowledgeable of the bible, he can twist scripture to accommodate whatever message he wants to communicate to the church. 2 Peter 2:1-3 “…there will be false teachers… many will follow their destructive…

April 2013 – Posting Hiatus

— On Break – Hiatus — The Basic Christian Ministry is going to be on an extended hiatus from daily blogging. The Basic Christian Material as it is written is intended to be a resource for Christian study and discussion. Please consider referring the Basic Christian materials to others and also consider using the Basic…

The Judaeo-Christian Priesthood

The Judeao-Christian Priesthood the eternal Melchizedek Priesthood [comprised in part of the promises, priesthood, holy feasts, covenants, laws, adoption and glory] is the framework for the interaction and a relationship between the Holy God and a sinful people. Jews-Israelites: the Jews are to worship the God of their forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, be physically…

Update – Countdown to Pentecost

Countdown to Pentecost — The Sanctification Feast — May 19th 2013 Well, it’s taking some time to get the heathen Calvinist into the existing (since Holy Week) Church fold but we’ll continue to wait it out with them and after Pentecost when the Calvinists can finally join the Christian Church party then together we can…

Reblogged from: Mormon Coffee blog

Note: in Judeo Christianity [both Judaism and Christianity] the Priesthood is the mechanism used for people interacting [a relationship] with God, the system of how we as sinful people approach and interact with the Holy God. The Priesthood is the framework, the rules and the mechanism for what is acceptable to God and also for…

The Protestant Reformation or John Calvinism

Note: Calvinism [John Calvin] for all practical purposes has taken the three tenets of the Protestant Reformation (Sola Scriptura , Sola Fide and Sola Sacerdo – the Believer’s Priesthood) and has reduced it to the two tenets of the Calvinistic faith (Sola Scriptura and Sola Fide) virtually removing the Sola Sacerdo – the Believer’s Priesthood…

Bible Version Controversies AV or RV

Additional Material: Basic Christian Wiki: KJV Support Eastern Greek Texts AV (1611 KJV) – Western Greek Texts RV (modern based translations) What is the more reliable of the two [AV – RV] ancient ‘Bible’ Greek Manuscripts? The King James Bible 1611 AV Eastern [Antioch, Syria and Constantinople aka Byzantine – Eastern Roman Empire] Greek Texts, the…

Reblogged from: Debbie Schlussel

Reblogged from: Debbie Schlussel International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2013 (Sunday April 7, 2013) Hmmm . . . Coincidence That Anonymous Picks Holocaust Memorial Day to Hack Israeli Sites, Holocaust Museum? The later hacked Anonymous site “OpIsrael” A Few Forgotten Facts 1. Israel became a Nation in 1312 [B.C.] BCE, two thousand years before the [about…