Reblogged from: Basic Christian Wiki – Church Scandals Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, IL Moody Bible Radio interview of James MacDonald James MacDonald, the Elephant Room, and the “Spinning” of the Truth Earlier this week, Chris Fabry of Moody Bible Radio, hosted an interview with Pastor James MacDonald of Harvest Bible Chapel. Given all of the…
Reblogged from: Fatherless Children in the Church It is my opinion that Mike Whitman (Brookings Christian Fellowship – Brookings, OR) purposefully solicited money from the church despite his ulterior motive to never give the money to the bank. Mike’s efforts to solicit funds for “the building fund” in order to save the church was, in…
April 2013 Update Countdown Clocks to Continue The current countdown clock is going to continue to be in use here The countdown is going to cycle the Biblical timelines. Holy Week —> Pentecost —> Fall Feasts —> Christmas —> Holy Week, etc. Basic Christian: 2012 Trilogy Project A significant project mostly accomplished last year was the nearly completed work of…
Basic Christian: Common Christian Confession of Faith – (2012) Westminster Confession of Faith – (1646) CHAPTER I Of the Holy Scripture I. Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence, do so far manifest the goodness, wisdom, and power of God, as to leave men inexcusable; yet are they not sufficient…
The Eight Old Testament Holy Feasts of Leviticus Chapter 23 Holy Convocations, A Statute Forever, All Generations Schedule of The Lord’s 8 Holy Feast Days — Spring Feasts: Holy Week is comprised of the four Salvation Feasts {Sabbath (Rest), The Lord’s Passover, Unleavened Bread, and Firstfruits (Easter)} — Pentecost [Acts 2:1] is the Middle Feast:…
10th Anniversary Repost Jesus Walk Easter Devotional – Leadership Articles 2004 by David Anson Brown Church Leadership Article #1 April 4, 2004 The Passion of Leadership (part 1 of 5) by David Anson Brown Luke 12:49,50 I (Jesus) am come to send fire on the earth; and what will I, if it be already kindled?…
Jesus Walk 2014 Starting Friday April 11th 2014 until — Easter Sunday April 20th 2014 A Holy Week (Easter) 10 Day Timeline Christian Devotional Website 2014 PDF Basic Christian PDF The Original Holy Week A Timeline and Biblical explanation of the events of the original ten days of Holy Week Biblical Significance Luke…
The dynamic of the current Christian Church theater is that factions (Tribes: Arminianism, Calvinism, Emergent, New Age, etc.) have taken shape and have begun to exploit true Christianity to the point that true historical [healthy relationship] Christianity seems to not even be an available option within the current Church marketplace. We are going to briefly…
The important project currently at hand is the 2013 Holy Week from Friday March 22nd to Easter Sunday March 31st, 2013. Holy Week – Jesus Walk 2013 (PDF) Note With the Basic Christian writing ministry coming to a close, now is a very good time to download the existing material Basic Christian (PDF) and Basic Christian Essentials…
Congratulations!! Since December 2011 the Basic Christian PDF has been downloaded over half a million times (648,834) on just one website! Also in about the same time the larger, more complete file has been downloaded 11,660 times. Please continue to download and share the Basic Christian resources and material. God bless everyone! David Anson…