It’s interesting that John Piper in emphasizing himself, John Calvin (1509 – 1564) and Geneva, Switzerland is continuing a shift away from Jesus Christ and Jerusalem, Israel the True Biblical Christianity – away from historical Christianity and into modern Presuppositional (opinion based) viewpoints. Reblogged from: Paul’s Passing Thoughts
Reblogged from: SOUTHERN BAPTISTS, THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL!!! “I know you (TWW) talk about child victims and that is most important. But I have a huge problem with the future victims in the SBC if CJ and Al get what they are after – control – I think. One can be a…
Note: the Basic Christian Ministry follows and instructs in the Historical Biblical Christian pattern – following the actual Divine and human events that Christianity is a direct product of i.e. creation, original sin, Heaven, hell, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, the earthly Ministry of Jesus, the Holy Week events and ministry of Jesus, imputed…
Reblogged from: Paul’s Passing Thoughts Posted in Uncategorized by paulspassingthoughts on February 12, 2013 TANC Prediction: The New Calvinists Are in the Process of Forming Their Own Denomination or the Completed Takeover of the SBC is Imminent Children in adult bodies will eventually devour themselves. Some recent trends have tempted me to partake in a little prognostication.…
Reblogged from: The Silence of the Shepherds by Deb Feb 11, 2013 “At that time the disciples came to Jesus and said, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted…
A former Presbyterian Worship Leader shares his “testimony” of being saved out of Calvinism and asks what the SBC is going to do about the “issue” of Calvinism.
Countdown to Pentecost 2013 and the Extra Days needed after Holy Week until John MacArthur’s Calvinistic teachings provide for individual Salvation and the Start of the Christian Church Reminder: after Holy Week’s Resurrection Sunday (Easter Sunday – the start of the Christian Church) we are going to do another countdown here at this time…
Summary: The Apostle Paul’s Journey to Rome – The Four Dispensations of the Times since the 1st Coming of Jesus Christ seem to have been mapped out and enacted throughout Paul’s Journey to Rome — 1. The Apostles Dispensation (Acts 27:1-5) — 2. The Common Christian Church Age (Acts 27:6-44) — 3. The Martyred Saints…
Holy Week 2013 (Easter) 10 Day Timeline Devotional Starting Friday March 22nd 2013 until — Easter Sunday March 31st 2013 Holy Week (Easter) 10 Day Timeline Devotional is located here After Holy Week and Pentecost Both of the 2013 Summit events the ‘Holiness Summit’ and the ‘End Time Summit’ are as usual scheduled to take place…
Reblogged From: FBC Jax Watchdogs Readers – below is an hour-long interview of Dr. James Duncan, conducted on 1/14/13 by Chris Rosebrough of the Fighting for the Faith radio program. In the interview Dr. Duncan describes what he learned during the discovery process of his lawsuit against Perry Noble and NewSpring Church, which was settled…