Antichrist Will Alter Reality

During the future reign of the Antichrist on earth and the strong delusion that accompanies the Antichrist it is considered that the Antichrist will drastically alter and change perceptions of reality, modify the environment change times and seasons remove traditions, combine the fallen spiritual realm/dimensions (Mystery Babylon) with the physical realms/dimensions of humans on earth…

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

White Horse Rider (Castor & Pollux – Acts 28:11-14) – Antichrist i.e. Occult Hidden and Manifested – Biblical example Emperor Caligula Red Horse (Mars) – War i.e. Conflicts of all kinds Black Horse (Venus) – Deception i.e. Politics Pale Green Horse (Moon – death is nearby) – Synergy of Death + False Religions and Mystery…