Reblogged from: Fatherless Children in the Church

Reblogged from: Fatherless Children in the Church It is my opinion that Mike Whitman (Brookings Christian Fellowship – Brookings, OR) purposefully solicited money from the church despite his ulterior motive to never give the money to the bank. Mike’s efforts to solicit funds for “the building fund” in order to save the church was, in…

PhoenixPreacher: Hell Freezes Over – Rick Warren was a guest on Calvary Chapel’s K-WAVE

Reblogged from: Phoenix Preacher Much will be made of the fact that Rick Warren was on Pastors Perspective yesterday. Comments: #72 mrtundraman (Doug G.) says: February 28, 2013 at 3:40 pm Rick Warren is the only person who could fill Chuck Smith’s shoes. That’s the solution, bring CC [Calvary Chapel] into the SBC [Southern Baptist…


The Bible study is dedicated in the name of Jesus, Christ, God, Son, and Savior May the Lord Jesus Christ be honored by our devotions, our study and in our fellowship. May all the people be blessed and grow in the grace and knowledge of the love and presence of God our creator and our…


Exodus 1-2 – Exodus is a continuation of the accounts of Genesis – In the New Testament [Mark 12:26] Jesus quotes from Exodus and calls it the book of Moses – about {200} years later after the death of Jacob and Joseph the Israelites now number about 600,000 military age men twenty years old and…


Leviticus 1-5 – The Laws for the offerings of the Levitical Priesthood – {There are multiple parts to the Old Testament Levitical Atonement ‘Kaphar’ (3722) Covering Sin Offering: 1. The sacrifice has to have a cost to the sinner, a precious useful animal was to be sacrificed. 2. The laying on of hands onto the…


Numbers 1-5 – Their stay at Mt. Sinai is coming to a conclusion after being there two years – The Mt. Sinai census – counting all the men twenty years old and older but excluding the Tribe of Levi the family of the Levitical Priesthood – Note: There are several long lists of names, occupations…

DEUTERONOMY Book of Deuteronomy – Deuteronomy (Greek: Deuteronomion, “second law”) or (Hebrew: Devarim, literally “things” or “words”) is the fifth book of the Hebrew Bible and of the Old Testament, and the fifth of five books [written by Moses] of the Jewish Torah or Pentateuch A large part of the book [of Deuteronomy] is three…


Joshua 1-2 – Joshua the first book in the Bible to be named after a person – Joshua was the servant (minister) to Moses – Joshua is God’s chosen to lead the people into the Promise Land – Joshua is the Hebrew name of Jesus – Joshua is a ‘type’ an earthly representation of the…


Introduction: With the Bible’s Book of Judges the history books of the Bible will continue and surprisingly we will continue to learn more about mankind and about ourselves then we will about God – It isn’t until the Prophets that we really start to learn intimately about who God is and what He desires We…


Ruth 1 – The Book of Ruth – Redemption through the Kinsman [close relative] Redeemer — ‘Ruth 1:16 And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and…