Introduction: The Books of Samuel and Kings enter a new phase in Israel – The anointed Shepherds (Kings) of Israel now oversee the flock of the Nation of Israel – The first three anointed Kings of Israel [Trilogy of Israeli Kings] are actually going to be Biblical types – King Saul (asked for – by…
2 Samuel 1-2 – Saul and three of his four sons including Jonathan are killed in battle – After hearing of the death of Saul and of loss of his good friend Jonathan and knowing he was next in line to be the King of Israel David inquired of God what he should do next…
1 Kings 1 – King David has become too old to sit on his royal throne – Adonijah attempts to set himself upon his father David’s throne – King David declares to Bath-sheba that he will pass along the Kingdom to their son Solomon — ‘1 Kings 1:29-30 And the King [David] sware, and said,…
2 Kings 1-2 – Elijah ends his ministry and is taken in a whirlwind into heaven – Elisha takes up the mantle (covering) and begins to be the next Prophet in Israel — ‘2 Kings 2:13 He took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him, and went back, and stood by the…
Book of 1 Chronicles – The Books of 1 & 2 Chronicles cover mostly the same information as 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings – 1 & 2 Chronicles focus more on the *Priestly aspect of the time period – The Book of 1 Chronicles was written [possibly compiled/written while in Babylon…
1 and 2 CHRONICLES BIBLE SURVEY – 2 Chronicles tells the history of Solomon, the divided kingdom, and the kings of Judah [in Jerusalem] – Background: The book begins with Solomon’s plans to build the Temple in Jerusalem and ends with its destruction – Between the dedication and destruction of Solomon’s Temple is about 384…
The History of Israel and the Law, the Ark of the Covenant, the Day of Atonement and the legitimacy of the Messiah [Jesus Christ] who was born under the Law (Galatians 4:4) and who fulfilled and removed the Law — ‘2 Chronicles 35:3 And said [King Josiah] unto the [Zadok] Levites that taught [Ministry of…
Background of Nehemiah – Nehemiah came to Jerusalem in 444 B.C. – He resigned as cupbearer to [King] Artaxerxes I [in Persia] in order to serve his own people in rebuilding the city of Jerusalem – Nehemiah was appointed Governor [of the Jerusalem area] and returned to assist in fortifying the walls of the capital…
The Seven Global Kingdoms of Revelation 17:10-11 – Compromising the area and influence of the Bible lands and specifically Jerusalem and the Hebrews/Jews – Persia (Iran) was the 4th Global Kingdom Of the seven Global Gentile Kingdoms six have already been completed and only the 7th and final Antichrist (Satan incarnate) Kingdom remains to be…
Are Job and Jobab the Same Person? – Job [lit. persecuted one] is the earliest completed book of the Bible – Joktan was Peleg’s brother (Genesis 10:25), and it was in Peleg’s time the continents were divided – Joktan’s thirteenth son was Jobab – Is Job Jobab? The evidence we have found in the Bible…