The Basic Christian Ministry is working on a new project to provide Christian Videos and other Downloads at the new website I will have about Twenty Titles of Videos and various materials to add to the project and if anyone has any material that they would like to contribute to the project please contact…
– Continuing blogging – The Basic Christian Ministry is going to continue blogging and posting during the summer months. There are several current events and topics that the Basic Christian Ministry wants to stay current with and also remain involved in so now isn’t a good time to take a break from posting. Reminder: The…
Update: I have more postings to do regarding the ‘house of cards’ that TULIP Calvinism doctrine is comprised of but considering that the blog is going to go on an extended hiatus for the Summer it seems like a better option to continue the Calvinism examination later in the coming Fall. NWO – World Court…
— On Break – Hiatus — The Basic Christian Ministry is going to be on an extended hiatus from daily blogging. The Basic Christian Material as it is written is intended to be a resource for Christian study and discussion. Please consider referring the Basic Christian materials to others and also consider using the Basic…
Countdown to Pentecost — The Sanctification Feast — May 19th 2013 Well, it’s taking some time to get the heathen Calvinist into the existing (since Holy Week) Church fold but we’ll continue to wait it out with them and after Pentecost when the Calvinists can finally join the Christian Church party then together we can…
April 2013 Update Countdown Clocks to Continue The current countdown clock is going to continue to be in use here The countdown is going to cycle the Biblical timelines. Holy Week —> Pentecost —> Fall Feasts —> Christmas —> Holy Week, etc. Basic Christian: 2012 Trilogy Project A significant project mostly accomplished last year was the nearly completed work of…
Jesus Walk 2014 Starting Friday April 11th 2014 until — Easter Sunday April 20th 2014 A Holy Week (Easter) 10 Day Timeline Christian Devotional Website 2014 PDF Basic Christian PDF The Original Holy Week A Timeline and Biblical explanation of the events of the original ten days of Holy Week Biblical Significance Luke…
The dynamic of the current Christian Church theater is that factions (Tribes: Arminianism, Calvinism, Emergent, New Age, etc.) have taken shape and have begun to exploit true Christianity to the point that true historical [healthy relationship] Christianity seems to not even be an available option within the current Church marketplace. We are going to briefly…
The important project currently at hand is the 2013 Holy Week from Friday March 22nd to Easter Sunday March 31st, 2013. Holy Week – Jesus Walk 2013 (PDF) Note With the Basic Christian writing ministry coming to a close, now is a very good time to download the existing material Basic Christian (PDF) and Basic Christian Essentials…
Note: the Basic Christian Ministry follows and instructs in the Historical Biblical Christian pattern – following the actual Divine and human events that Christianity is a direct product of i.e. creation, original sin, Heaven, hell, the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, the earthly Ministry of Jesus, the Holy Week events and ministry of Jesus, imputed…